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Old 02-14-2009, 09:10 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by ChiTownHoney View Post
Most of these are great qualities and ones that I look for. However, whats with the reputation mattering? Why care about what others think? I dont believe reputation means anything.

So, whats a "bad guy" then? Someone who abuses women? Animals? Doesnt call a girl back till a couple hours after she calls? Someone who has to work on the weekends, pissing off their girlfriends, who thus feel neglected and runs to her "nice guy" friends and complains that her boyfriend is not giving her any time?

I dont know what you would constitute as a "jerk"

Me, I have a type of guy I go for. Those guys have that "look" that other guys say "oh he's a bad guy". When its just the look, you know?

I also like guys who can be assholes when the time fits. I wont lie, I'm fabulous, so I get alot of looks and sometimes guys will be perverts, and then what if I'm with my man and some guy says something or tries to touch? I want my man to be prepared to throw down and lay some punches and knock someone out. I cant be with a man who will stand by and be disrespected. I want to be with a guy that makes other guy afraid to look at me. Those guys you would probably consider violent and "jerks" huh? Well, if nice guys are pussies that will stand by and be disrespected, and jerks will defend me and jack someone in the face when the time fits, I'll be with a jerk.
Well, with all due respect, the "look" aspect sounds similar to high school in that the "gangster" boys i.e. Parka black coats and black pants aka "full black" get the attention from chicks. You know what they say? "Oh he's just into that culture, he's a nice guy".

Now I have nothing against these people because these people I'm talking about are also my friends but I'm making a point here about "looks not mattering". If I wasn't their friend, I would expect they'd be hella cocky about their "crew" and all that. While some of them do have crews, many of them don't jump people for the sake of doing it. They do it because they have justification for it and that's cool in my books.

A jerk, in my definition, is someone who does not have a good reputation with other women. He does not visibly have real friends of both genders. I.e. if a guy has all guy friends, it should be a warning to you that he MIGHT be a jerk. You have to also see what kind of friends he's with too. They're the opposite of "nice guys" who have friends from both genders. A jerk would likely go clubbing in order to hit chicks 24/7. Also, he will be likely to choose his friends over you (unless you're gonna open up your mouth and/or legs for him).

In order to define who a jerk is, you'd need to get to know them first by talking to them. Jerks have a tendency to be egotistical; they have a "I want to prove to others that I'm better" mentality.

Just because he's dated a whole bunch of women before does not mean he's not a jerk. Women fall for jerks ALL THE TIME. As a result, jerks are less likely to be desperate. The "nice guys" who lack confidence will be more inclined to "try" to get the girl and as we all know, this is counter-productive, no matter how well-intentioned it may be.

If you can find some rapport with his ex's, you can see what kind of person he'll be. Women will be less likely to lie to another woman - ESPECIALLY when he's with another woman already.

Does this sound too complicated?

It actually isn't. All of this can be achieved by talking to people to get a feel for their personality).
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