Thread: Why?
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Old 05-06-2007, 07:54 AM   #1
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Default Why?

You know sometimes these vague questions hit you and you find yourself realising there may not really be an answer.

What did insects do at night before there were electric lights?

Why do they put a sign on the inside of an elevator saying Maximum Load 1100 Lbs? Who calculates the weight of the riders before the doors close? What do you do when you stare ferafully at the Butt sisters, in all their glory, as they waddle their ponderance through the quickly closing doors?

Why are Planes always late when you are on time? Why are they punctual when you are running late?

Why is something "stuck fast" when it wont move at all?

Why do all these stupid things run through My head as the coffee percolates?
(in the automatic drip maker at that)

What does any of this have to do with rape?
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