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Old 07-25-2014, 10:25 PM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Midwest USA
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However unlikely the actual RP may be to actually happen, it's still fun to think up the situations...

- My love and I are hiking in some remote backwoods area. It gets to be late afternoon, and we decide to try getting back to the main road by cutting through the forest on a narrow track that seems to go the right direction. We ignore some ominous-looking, crude NO TERSPASING signs, thinking it will be OK. A pack of ferocious hunting dogs appears and keeps us cornered until the redneck landowners, a man and a woman, ride up on ATVs with guns and ropes. They strip us, tie us naked to trees, and spend some pleasant hours torturing and raping us there before dragging us back to their cabin for the real fun...

- The cashier and I are the only employees in the hardware store one Saturday night after closing time. I am straightening the shelves while she closes up the till. Of course one of the other workers forgot to lock up the back door, and in come the robbers, who find more than just the cash to interest them. They force us both to the back room at gunpoint, and... We can imagine the fun a couple of sadistic rapists can have with all the stock in a hardware store. Endless reels of rope and chain, racks of padlocks, aisle after aisle of tools...

Everything I post here, whether text or imagery, relates to fantasy imaginings, and not to what I would want to actually happen to people in real life.
I generally don't do the friending thing much on message boards, but feel free to PM me if you want.

Profile: Male / Single / Middle-aged / Midwest USA / Fantasize as either victim or perpetrator
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