Thread: Cyberrape
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Old 05-05-2006, 06:44 AM   #17
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by pravjey
Why did I stop? she was someone that I cared about and I hate myself for doing it. Reading her response, "u r scaring me..." (although admittedly a bit of turn on) was genuinely heartbreaking.

Why did I do it? That's probably too complex to give a simple answer and will probably require several sessions with my therapist. One thing I have realised is that it isn't the first time that I have been aggresive towards to a woman, although the first time that I have realised it. It's possible that I have an underlying anger towards women, which I am still trying to get my head round!

I'm sorry if this sounds like a bit of a confessional. Has anyone else had similar experiences or feelings towards their rape fantasies?

so u did it cuz u were mad at her?
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