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Old 05-28-2006, 04:43 PM   #2
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Before we go flagging our support of the freedom to wag our tongues in which ever directon it pleases us, how many of you have actually stop to think of what freedom really is?

Oh, it is so fashionable these days to go shouting our support for "freedom".

...and what has it done to improve your life, your lifestyle, your "soul"?

Are you people all existentialists?

Freedom does involve making a choice, does it not?

We always have a choice. Existentialism does not stand for any kind of determinism except the one that determines our individual facts (existence)
We choose, and in choosing (in good or bad faith) we define ourselves. Choice is a definition of an existence in the world, towards an object outside of itself.
Choice is all that we have, without confirmation of our act; we never know what was right to choose. The doubt of our acts, together with the contingence of existence, leads to
The main characteristic of existence itself, when we face our contingence, and the absurdity of our acts and choices:
For Heidegger, it is that trough which fear becomes possible. For Kierkegaard is a desire for what one fears. For Sartre, it is the immediate consequence of facing the possibility of nothingness.
Appears to me, as if we are all nothings crying about nothings.

Yeah, well enjoy. For the time being at least.
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