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Old 04-23-2006, 06:40 AM   #1
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Default MOLLY, great story! m+,f,nc

Molly was a very unfortunate young girl. She was not a model by any means, but that's not to say she wasn't a beautiful girl. She was, she was really more, cute, cute and beautiful. Molly stood 5'3" tall, and had shoulder length red hair much befitting her Irish heritage. Her skin was a very light, interspersed with freckles. Her body, with a few more years would add muscle and increase its shapely form. Though, now she was a very thin girl, possessing womanly charms, but not yet fully developed in some areas, her breasts however had taken on their full size. They were not overly large, but still made for quite a handful. Her facial features were very delicate, and somewhat rounded.

Molly's life had become very difficult in the last year. Her mother, the matriarch of the family, had died about a year ago in a car crash. Her father, a nice man, just couldn't deal with the situation, and turned to alcohol to ease his suffering. He could no longer be concerned with Molly, or her problems. But it was not her father who was the great difficulty in her life, it was her 20 year old brother. He was a young man that deeply needed his mother. She had prevented him from getting into trouble when she was alive. He had always had severe emotional problems, and was a little slow. He had been held back 2 years in school. Though 20 years old, he was just a high school senior, and on questionable grounds to whether he would graduate at all.

One morning Molly woke up to find him sitting on her bed, caressing her breast. He'd had made his way into her room, and pulled down the strap of her nightgown. She did not scream she woke to him there, she was shocked. Once he'd noticed her awake, he casually left the room. Molly was speechless, and knew it was time to move on.

Molly aspired to make it to university and become a teacher someday. She was an honor roll student and the intellectual pride of her class. But she knew it was impossible for her to remain in this household and still achieve her dreams. It was too difficult a situation, she knew that soon enough, her brothers attentions would not involve just caressing her breast. That it would progress to full blown rape. She was not about to allow that to happen. She had worked hard to maintain her virtue. She had always possessed the quality that made boys love her, and want her desperately. Perhaps it was her sweetness, her kindness, something about the way she looked?

She was a popular date, even if, after great efforts and expense, the boys made it home with little to show for their troubles but a peck on the cheek.

Molly packed a bag with clothes, and some of the things she thought necessary for her journey. There was no need to maintain stealth. Her father was passed out on the couch downstairs, drunk and oblivious. Her brother had sped away in his car after she'd discovered him in her room. She had a few hundred dollars saved up from babysitting, and she cleaned out her father's wallet. He had just been paid, and had a large sum of money. With regards to finances, she wasn't in bad of shape. She hoped to make it from her small Ohio town to Chicago. Her aunt lived there, she was her mother's only sister. She would take care of her, Molly was confidant it would all work out. She just needed to get out of this house before anything bad happened.

It took less than an hour for Molly to pack, take the money from her father and head out the door. She didn't call her friends, she didn't call her aunt, she didn't leave a note. She just wanted out of there as quickly as possible, she would contact everybody when she was safe and far away from home.

Molly began the trek to the highway, trying to avoid the most direct and visible route, she didn't much want anybody to see her. So she took the longer path, but it did follow along a small beautiful road.

She had been walking for maybe and hour and a half, and had moved well away from town when a large black BMW pulled off the road in front of her. The driver opened the window as she walked by, the windows were tinted, so she could not see if anybody was in the car beside the driver. He was in his early thirties probably, dressed impeccably. He was powerfully built. Somewhat intimidating, but he had a very young smooth face.

"Hello, can I give you a ride?"

"Umm, I don't think so?" Molly knew she was going to hitch a ride at some point, but like this? She wasn't quite ready to hitch one yet. She was a little scared, her heart had begun beating quicker when the car pulled off the road, she hadn't yet built up the courage to do it yet.

"Are you sure? I'm heading to Chicago, so I can take you a long way if you need?"

Wow she thought to herself, Chicago, that's where she needed to go, this would be great, and he was dressed so nice. She was still scared, but it was mitigated by the upstanding appearance of him and the car.

"Okay, but nothing funny!" Molly tried to act confident

"No, no problem, nothing funny, it will be good to just have the company, it's a long drive alone."

Molly started to feel a little bit better, this was good, a trip to Chicago straight away.

"Why don't you get in the back seat, it's more comfortable!"

She moved to the back door, and opened it. She threw her bag in, and began to sit down when she saw the other man sitting there.

She tried to grab her bag and get away from the car, but it was too late. The man grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside. The man in the front seat got out and closed the door behind her. He was back in the car and they was moving down the highway before she even knew what was going on.

"Hello" The man holding her wrist said to her.

Molly reached her free hand for the door handle, but it was locked, and there was no button to free the lock from the back seat that she could see. The windows were tinted dark, so nobody could see in, to see her being held.

The man next to her was also dressed with remarkable taste and refinement. The suit was a beautiful black double breasted number. She could feel the fine fabric press against her as he held tight to her wrist.

"I would really rather you not struggle, it's going to be a long drive to the city, and you might as well sit back and enjoy it. You're not going anyplace."

The man spoke with an elegance and grace, and had he not been holding her wrist, she probably would have felt very safe.

He was not nearly so bulky as the man in the front seat. His features were much more effeminate and fine.

"So, what's your name little girl?" He squeezed down on her wrist to trying to illicit a response from her.


"What a nice name. How old are you?"

"almost 16"

"Well, my name is Michael, and in the front seat, there's Tony. Say Hi to Tony Molly."


"Hello Molly, so nice to meet you!" Tony turned his head from the road to smile at her.

"Hey Tony, give me the handkerchief from your jacket."

"It's going to be a long drive Molly, and I really don't want to hold your wrists that whole time."

He took the handkerchief Tony offered him from the front seat. Michael forced her to twist around so he could tie her wrists behind her back. He tied them together with Tony's silk handkerchief. Then he forced the one from his own jacket into her mouth.

"That's good, why don't you take a little nap before we get home."

Molly just sat terrified. What was going on here? She sat stiffly in the leather seat, her wrists forced beneath her body. They ached from being pressed beneath her own weight. Perspiration formed on her brow as she contemplated the horror's that might befall her. Her senses were heightened, she noticed the smallest movements or noises coming from the men, terrified at what they might do.

Slowly, as fear took much out of her, maybe an hour after she'd been picked up, her eyes grew heavy. She found herself having a harder and harder time remaining awake. She would sit bolt upright as she nearly passed out afraid of what might happen if she did. But the lids of her eyes kept sinking down. Till finally she could keep them open no longer and she did fall asleep, and remained in it's blissful confines till she felt herself being lifted out of the car by Tony.

She awoke in his arms being carried through a large garage. It was filled with not only the BMW she'd been in, but a Ferrari, a Porsche, and a few kinds of cars she didn't even recognize. She didn't have much time to look around, for she was being carried into the house. It was a huge house, at least the parts she could see of it, she saw the marble counters in the kitchen, the large stainless steel appliances. But only for a moment. She was carried up a back staircase. She was taken to a large bedroom. Against one wall was a massive bed with four large wooden posts at the corners. Tony dumped her on the bed, and walked from the room. She was left alone with her thoughts, she did not try and move from the bed. Her wrists were still tied, and her mouth filled with the handkerchief, effectively gagging her.

Tony came back into the bedroom about fifteen minutes later, he had changed into a long silk smoking jacket. She could not know, but wore nothing on underneath except his incipient erection.

"Mr. Smith thinks you should get cleaned up a bit."

Tony climbed on the bed, and rolled her over on her stomach, untying the handkerchief from her wrists, then pulled free the gag in her mouth. He climbed off the bed, holding her wrist in his hand he pulled her off too. She was led to the bathroom attached to the bedroom. He'd brought along some toiletries for her to clean up with, and gave her two pills to swallow. She didn't know what they were, she didn't ask, and he didn't tell.

"Okay, now don't think about trying to get away. The house is guarded, and I'll be just outside the door. You have 2 hours, make yourself look nice, really nice." He handed her a white lace garter belt, and beautiful white stockings.

"And put these on when you're done. Understand?"

He pushed her into the bathroom, and closed the door. The bathroom was large, larger than the whole of her bedroom and her brother's bedroom combined back in her parents house. She dropped to the marble tiled floor, and started to cry. She had sat there wailing for maybe five minutes when she heard Tony enjoin her to get moving. There was a clock on the wall, so she could tell how long she had. She stripped out of her clothes, peering around her, covering her body thinking somebody might be watching, and got into the shower. Her body quivered as she thought about what was happening. The shower, it was massive, nine nozzles coming from every conceivable direction. She sat in the shower for at least a half hour, just letting the warm run over her body, caressing her skin till she started to fell a pressure build in her gut.

She raced from the shower to the toilet. She barely making it in time before her body cleared itself completely. It was painful, her stomach convulsed and cramped till she thought her insides would be ripped out. Molly collapsed to the floor and began crying, everything was a blur, it was all so confusing.

After her out burst she lifted herself from the tile and began cleaning herself up. She tried as well as she could to make herself up nice, but all the makeup in the world could not hide the look on her face, the fear, panic, it was obvious in her features.

Molly finished preparing herself well before the time had elapsed. She felt naked, and dirty wearing the garter belt and stockings and nothing else. She just collapsed on the floor, and cried herself into oblivion for the third time.

She didn't even notice when the door opened, and Tony stepped in. He picked her up from the floor without the slightest indication of effort on his part. She was carried into the bedroom and tossed back on the massive bed. She could see that leather clasps had been added to the four corners of the bed. She didn't realize their purpose at first, she didn't even understand what they were initially.

Tony stood over her beside the bed, forcing her to lay on her back. Without words he attached each of the straps, first to her ankles, then to her wrists, pulling her limbs wide till she was spread on the bed. Tony pulled the straps taut, to the point where it was painful, then forced a pillow up under her back.

"Michael will be in a few moments."

She lay there for maybe five minutes alone. She tried not to lose control, she was crying, occasionally struggling in her bonds to no effect, babbling softly. She'd broken out into a cold sweat as fear pulsed through her body. There was now a sheen of sweat covering her. When Michael walked in, she began to shake uncontrollably, her wrists and ankles pulling hard against the straps, but she could not move. She could not close her legs as she so desperately wanted.

Michael moved into the room, his gait was more like a glide, smooth, and subtle. He was also dressed in a long smoking jacket like Tony wore. Before the door fully closed he'd stripped it off. He was not a large man, at least not in the overall frame of his body, but his prick was not in proportion to his body. It projected in front of him, standing firmly at attention, it was huge. Molly looked on him in terror, a long low moan came from beneath the handkerchief Tony had forced in her mouth. She had never seen a man's member before, definitely not erect.

There was to be no foreplay from Michael, he climbed on the bed, and moved between her taut, spread legs. He knelt there for a moment, taking in the vision of her before him. He could see the terror in her eyes as she stared up at him, pleading, begging. Her chest moved up and down quickly as her breath came heavy in her terror. He moved his hand along the inside of her thigh, but only for an instant, his hands were soft on her skin. Molly tried to recoil from his touch but she had no place to go, the bonds held her tight.

She screamed as his hand ran over her legs. His gentle movements did not last for long, as soon as she became accustomed to his touch, even slightly, he violently drove forward, slamming his prick into her sex. At first the movement was halted by her courageous hymen. But the defense could not last for long, and soon Michael was buried to the hilt in her virgin channel. Molly had began screaming as she had never done before the moment she felt his penis at the entrance of her cunt, and still she hadn't let up when he was buried in her, her virginity shattered. It was a scream of absolute pain. Her maidenhood was now gone. Michael enjoyed the feel of her tight vaginal cavity on his prick. It seemed to contract and grab hold of his cock. Molly's screams slowly subsided, at least relative to her initial chorus.

She cried out each time he thrust in, she would let out a quick, sharp scream as he drove deep in her, but Michael had more stamina than Molly had screams. After a few minutes, she became silent and just stared at the ceiling.

Michael's weight was heavy upon her, she kept being driven forward, toward the head of the bed. He put the whole strength of his hips and back into each thrust, she could feel the tension on her ankles as she was driven back. Michael pounded into her body, staring down into her vacant eyes as they stared past him, through him, to the ceiling above. It was agonizing for her, she'd faded into a state of shock, every sensation she felt, every ounce of pain hit her. Molly's only luck was that Michael could not last long, his powerful thrusts lasted only for a few minutes. He was turned on by the young girl beneath him. He released a great load of cum into her pussy then collapsed on her, crushing her breasts under him, her legs squeezed him between their stretched muscles.

He loved the feel, he loved feeling her under him. He could feel her chest move as she struggled to get out the tears, as she breathed her aggrieved breaths. His penis slowly softened in her. He reached to her head and took a clump of her hair in his hands, lifting her so she looked at him.

"You are a beautiful girl, I will be sorry to see you go, but eventually, you'll make my boys very happy employees."

He let go of her hair and climbed off her. He picked the smoking jacket from the floor and put it on. He headed out the door without another word of comment. It had happened so fast, as if in a dream. She could feel the blood, and cum dripping from her pussy, so she knew it was not a dream, it was a nightmare, a real live nightmare. She struggled for a second to pull her hands free, but it wasn't to be, the leather cut into her wrists and ankles. Molly tried to compose herself when she heard the door open again, this time Tony walked in. By the time she looked up to see him, his smoking jacket was off and he was moving toward her. He was on the bed crawling between her widely splayed legs, His prick was even more massive that Michael's, and his body was so much larger, so much more, huge!

"How did you like that my dear?" he ran his hand over her foot.

"You'd better get used to it you little whore. You're going to become an expert fuck soon enough. You'll be on your back for many, many men."

No sooner than the words had come out than he was kneeling between her legs. She looked up and into his eyes for a second, trying to plead with him, but there was no hope, she saw no sense of pity in his eyes, just lust. She could see his massive member poised near her cunt. The mattress compressed more under his weight than it had with Michael's. Tony ran his hand on her thighs, his hands were much rougher, callused. They moved up to her pussy, rubbing in the mixed blood and cum, taking some onto his fingers Tony lifted it to her face, showing her the results of the earlier deed.

"I don't think we need this gag any longer, do you?" He pulled the soaked silk from her mouth.

"Here, have a taste." Molly tried to clamp her mouth shut, but with his other hand, Tony pinched closed her nostrils, and made her open up to breathe. When she did, forced his blood and cum coated fingers into her mouth and made her lick them clean. Molly coughed, and tried to spit the vile tasting combination out after he'd pulled his fingers free from her mouth.

"You'd better get used to it, there will be much more enjoyable things to come for you."

Tony began molding her breasts in his large hands, squeezing hard, tweaking her nipples. He pinched them tight between his fingers, he was looking to draw a scream from her, and it worked. Molly came to life again after becoming apathetic and beaten only seconds before. She struggled desperately against her bonds. Her crotch was in too much pain to move her legs very much but she still squirmed. Tony enjoyed her machinations, as she tried pointlessly to free herself he liked her fight. He sat back, kneeling between her legs just looking at her, watching her struggle, he loved to see the muscles of her arms and legs fight the unwavering leather. He enjoyed hearing her pained moans as he twisted her breasts, he loved it all.

"Please, Please let me go!" Molly implored.

"Why are you doing this to me. Please, Please let me go!"

Tony did not even respond, he eased himself down over her so his left hand was just adjacent to her breast on the mattress, he used his other hand to guide his prick into her opening.

"Just lay back and enjoy it."

He slid in her without much difficulty, Michael had provided the lubrication and had broken the barrier, Tony's duty was much easier. He pushed his cock the full way into her channel her scream accompanied the entry.

It wasn't as bad this time for Molly, but it still ached, there was more lubrication from Michael's eruption, but her body still would not lubricate itself. She could feel the friction on each thrust. She screamed again as another prick violated her, more from the humiliation than pain, though there was some of both in her cries.

Tony was a much slower operator than Michael, it only further intensified the pain for Molly. On each forward thrust, he used all his strength to drive into her. He could feel her legs tighten around her hips as her ankles were held tight by the straps. It was a glorious feeling for Tony. He feel into a rhythm. The deep inserting thrust, followed by his slow withdrawal, pulling his prick out, to the point of almost taking the tip out of her channel, then the deep push forward, till once again he was buried completely within her. The head of his cock pushing into her cervix. He collapsed onto her so all his upper body weight lay directly upon her as he slid on her. Her breasts were crushed under him, their soft mounds cushions to his body. Occasionally, he would force his mouth on hers, driving his tongue deep into her throat. Molly wanted to gag, to turn her head away from the intrusion, but his jaws, his weight clamped her tight and she was forced to endure. She could feel his stomach muscles contract with each entry into her, each time he impaled his cock deep within her.

Tony continued the pattern for at least ten minutes. It was an agonizing time for Molly. The sharp pain had turned into a dull ache, she had lost most of the feeling, it was more just the movement inside her as his cock mashed her insides. Finally she felt Tony's muscle's tensing, and felt him clinch his body, the flood of his semen shot into her cunt. Filling her to the brim with his warm sperm.

Tony felt it coming and he had increased his pace until he could no longer hold out, he dumped his load into the girl. The release was intensely pleasurable. He collapsed upon her, her chin barely sneaking out over his shoulder.

He lay on her panting for a few moments, then whispered in her ear.

"Thank you. I would have loved to break you in first, but second isn't bad either?"

Tony climbed off Molly after his cock lost it's rigidity, he paused for a moment to look at the results of his work. The stream of cum from her pussy pooled on the covers below the V her legs made. She just lay on the bed, motionless and broken. Tony put back on his jacket, being careful to not rub his still aching and hypersensitive cock, and walked out the door.

Molly lay there, stunned, in shock, incapable of moving. She thought that at least it was over, the two men had taken her. Tears flowed over her cheeks as she again made futile efforts to test her bonds. A sense of despair and malaise broke over her body as she sobbed. The door opened again, surprising her. She looked up expecting to see Tony again, perhaps to release her, but it was a man dressed in a butlers uniform. He didn't speak to her, just stood next to the bed for a moment. She saw him undoing his belt, then heard the zipper fall. She turned her head away, staring straight ahead to the ceiling. Her tears stopped, she couldn't even cry now, she just felt numb. He was on her, between her legs, then driving into her. He was loud, and rough. He filled her already full pussy with his juices. . Molly just lay there, unmoving and lifeless as he climbed off. She did not look at him as he dressed. She heard him zip up then he was out the door.

Molly was not surprised when almost immediately upon the butlers departure, the door opened again. She didn't even bother this time to look as the man came in. She didn't see the him till he'd climbed upon her. It was a huge black man, with a correspondingly huge cock. The butler, while rough with her had not been too bad, his thrusts had not been too painful for her, the numbness blotted everything out, but with this new man, it was again painful. Agonizing, like the first time with Michael, maybe worse. She let out small yelps of pain as he thrust into her. His giant cock pounding into her, the tears again welled up in her eyes.

He didn't last long, after a few minutes of driving into her pussy, he pulled out, and climbed over her, straddling her chest. She didn't know what he was doing at first. Then, the huge man took a breast in each hand, and squeezed them tightly around his massive pole. He thrust into her breasts with great earnestness, there was slight lubrication from her own sex, and rapists cum, that helped ease the friction against her skin. Her breasts became red as blood flowed into them, his ass rested on her stomach. She felt his cock between her breasts, as it pulsed. She looked down at the massive head just in time to see the huge white jet of sperm fly into her face. The great spurts covered her, she shut her eyes immediately by reflex. The trail ran over her mouth, and her eye, into her beautiful red hair. He cleaned the tip of his cock off by rubbing it on her breast. Pushing the head into her soft flesh, moaning as he did, a deep guttural moan of pleasure and satisfaction. Then he to was gone, she heard the door shut behind him. Molly couldn't open her right eye for the cum planted on the lid, and she couldn't open her mouth unless she wanted the vile substance to flow into her mouth.

Molly lay on the bed, tortured, hoping it was over, but again the door swung opened. She looked to the door this time with her one open eye. She saw a small oriental man come in. He wore dirty jeans, and a sweat stained t-shirt, he looked like the gardener. He had scarcely made it through the door when he began removing his pants. He didn't even bother with her pussy, probably due to the mess that was there from the men before him. He climbed on the bed, crawling over her till he straddled her chest, placing his sweaty ass on the her breasts. He grabbed for the back of her head with his worn and stained hands, forcing her head up, driving one of his dirty fingers in between her teeth he wedged her lips open, then, in a quick movement, he thrust his cock deep into her throat. It wasn't a huge member, but she had never had a man in her mouth before. The gag reflex was difficult to over come, she tried to cough, to spit out in spite of his member filling her mouth. She could taste and smell his sweat as his crotch was forced into her nose, his pubic hair was wet with sweat. He was by no means gentle, with his hands on the back of her head, he forced her to swallow his cock, making her take him in as deeply as she could. He didn't bother to drive into her with his hips, he forced her head over his cock by using her hair as a handle. He did not last. She felt his member grow for an instant, ballooning with cum, and then spurted his essence deep into her throat. The small man let out a huge scream of pleasure as he released, his hands remained on the back of her head, her neck strained upward. He left his cock in her mouth, driving it deeper, forcing her to swallow as much cum as she could.

When his erection subsided, he pulled out. Trailing more cum onto her chin and neck. Then he was gone. Some cum still pooled in her mouth, she just couldn't swallow any more. Molly lay there, no longer crying, she had taken too much. She was in shock, staring blindly at the ceiling. She expected the door to open again, and a new tormentor to enter, but nobody came. She finally passed out from exhaustion and humiliation, the taste of sperm filling her, the drying liquid on her face and chest.


Molly was out for a time, there was no way for her to tell how long. She would pass out, then regain consciousness intermittently. She couldn't open her one eye still, and the cum had began to dry on her face and body. She could feel her hair matted, her body covered, and filled with sperm. She was chilled in the room, bound naked, a layer of sweat sat on her body, mixed from her own terror, and the excretions of the men.

She heard the door open, her eyes remained closed, she no longer cared. She felt somebody at her wrist, undoing the buckle, then to the other, and finally her ankles. She made no effort to close her legs, they remained widely spread on the bed after the bonds were freed. Her pussy ached, she did not want to move.

"Time to get cleaned up." It was the voice of Tony, he let her lay there for a few minutes longer as he stepped away into the bathroom. She could her the bath starting to be run. Then she felt his presence next to the bed again. He'd brought a towel to clean the cum from her eye, but left the rest, the line down her chin, and the line in her hair. He grabbed for her wrist and pulled her into a sitting position when she finally opened her eyes again.

He pulled her off the bed, she tried, but was unable to walk to the bathroom on her own. Her legs were barely awake after being tied spread in one position for so long, and the pain in her cunt made any movement pure hell. Tony had to carry her into the bathroom. Once inside, he gently placed her into the warm tub of water. He did not speak when he turned and walked out the door. She was left alone.

The water felt good on her abused body. She tried to move her hand down to her pussy and see if she could relieve the pain, but it was of no use. So she just sat there, lounging in the warm water, trying to forget. she tried hard to clean her body later, trying to scrub herself down, trying to feel clean, trying to get the vile taste from her mouth.

Molly lost all track of time, she feel asleep in the tub, sleep becoming the only place of solitude for her. She only awoke when the door opened and Tony walked in. She looked up, dazed for a moment from the sleep. For an instant and thought she really saw some kindness in his eyes, but it was fleeting and then gone.

"Okay, time to get out." Tony reached and offered his hand to assist her out.

"Feeling any better?"

Molly nodded yes, afraid to speak, afraid to tell him she really wasn't feeling much better, angry with him for doing this to her.

He handed her a towel to dry off with, and then some kind of oil to rub over her battered pussy. It eased the pain. He offered her no clothes to wear, and led her back to the bedroom. The sheets had been changed, and the covers pulled back. Tony made her lay on the bed, and gently forced her wrists behind her back. Molly didn't struggle as he tied a silk cloth around her wrists. It wasn't pleasant to be bound, but the silk did not cause her more pain, and just made her slightly uncomfortable. Tony pulled the covers over her body, and as soon as the lights were out, she was off to sleep. It was not even sleep in some ways, it was more like she had just passed out. Totally oblivious that the world continued to move around her.

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