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the savage 03-15-2009 03:30 PM

kidnap (prisoner slave)
Desperation can drive people to do things that they never expected. I desperately needed money and have no legal recourse as to how to get it. But that won't stop me from getting what I want. I had seen her around town for weeks. The embodiment of everything I hated. Young, pretty, and rich, without a care in the world, because daddy would pay for everything, take care of everything. Well, surely he would pay to get her back if she went missing, and it would solve all my problems.

I rented a rundown van, and paint it to match the colors of a local cleaning company. Something that people wouldn't notice if it was sitting outside a house for a few hours. Time to wait for her to walk by. I crouch in the back waiting, nerves on edge, my mouth sour with adrenaline. Checking to see if all the supplies are in place, enough ropes and rags to hold her quietly in place as I make a getaway.

She walks by, oblivious to the world, and as she passes, I silently open the side door. Coming up behind her.

prisonerslave 03-15-2009 03:45 PM

These shoes are really starting to kill me, but it is the price to pay for looking this good. Okay so maybe that was a bit narcissistic, but it is pretty true. My hands are full with shopping bags, some of them are gifts for a party that is coming up, but I bought a few things for myself as well. Now I am on my way back to my car, my shopping is done for the day, it is much harder than it looks.

As usual there are one of the cleaning vans in the area and it obscures my vision of my own car. I walk past it without much thought other than I need to take off these heels. My back to the annoying van that has made it rather difficult to get into my car, I don't even notice that the door has opened. I start to fumble for my keys, I look back into my car window, seeing a slight reflection, in a flash I know I am in danger something is not right.

the savage 03-15-2009 03:57 PM

Damn this mask is itchy, the wool is uncomfortable. Coming out I notice a silent flash of recognition of the danger in your eyes. Too late. My hands wrap around your waist, a trim waist. Gripping tight, I pull you back into the van, a heel falling off your foot as I do. The scream that cuts the air is muffled as I slide the door closed behind us.

The shopping bags rustle as they scrape across the bare metal floor of the van. Gripping tightly, I drop my voice several octaves lower than normal. Growling in your ear, "Stay quiet and things won't have to get rough." Using a foot to pull forward one of the rough ropes in the van.

prisonerslave 03-15-2009 04:09 PM

I am ready to scream, but I feel you wrap around me far faster than what I am ready for. I naturally lunge forward with attempt to somehow battle your strength, but your hands keep me gripped tightly, pulling me further into that van I should have known was danger. Now I can scream, they aren't words, just a reflection of my most primal fear, but the door to the van, to my freedom shuts closed.

You still hold me, far closer than I would ever want you, my eyes are wide with terror and I search your eyes for any sort of recognition. Stay quiet? Rough? I know what you mean, but I don't want to. I shake my head with defiance I will not just accept this, I may still be able to get away. I clear my thoughts and a more brutal struggle begins, the bags, my rather expensive shoe, are last on my mind. The real me begins to emerge as a struggle begins.

the savage 03-15-2009 04:15 PM

I can feel you tensing up in my arms, gathering strength to try to escape. I growl, a low rumbling in my throat, knowing that this won't be easy. Somehow the little princess has developed a spirit that I will have to break. I bring my knees forward, resting them on the back of your calves. The gasp of pain gives me a surprising amount of pleasure. I let go of your waist with one hand, and place it at the back of your head. Leaning forward slamming it into the door and pressing hard. Reaching back and bringing a rope forward.

prisonerslave 03-15-2009 04:25 PM

Already I am cursing myself for not being strong enough, grunting with the struggle. Obviously working out three times a week was not enough. As my struggles build up I feel immense pressure building on the backs of my legs, your full weight turns into pain. I gasp inwardly, feminine sound of pain. My arms press at the van with attempt to push myself up, suddenly my head slams into the door, a rather sick thud. I yelp and continue to squirm despite the pain. My teeth grind, it hurts far more than what I am used to. I have never even had a spanking for god's sake. "Let me go! Let go, mother fucker!" I don't care if I am not lady like, I will not give up.

the savage 03-15-2009 04:31 PM

Curses I can deal with. As long as it isn't screams, those might bring attention. The rope wraps around your legs, and I quickly knot it. It's going to take a good effort to untie that. My knees shift removing my weight from your legs. I continue to press you up against the van, making you kiss the metal. Then my fingers grip a handful of hair, long silky hair, and pull back. A quick movement and your head cracks against the door again. I pause, loosening my grip, waiting to see if you are out of it enough to let go.

prisonerslave 03-15-2009 04:42 PM

I continue to try and squirm, and deep in the pit of my stomach I feel a sense of dispair, its as if I already know I will not be escaping. That however does not stop me from a struggle. I feel the rough rope wrapped around my ankles and you pull it tight, it bites against my skin. My arms splay outward, reaching and flailing looking for anything to find a way to escape, my legs test the restraints, but there is no pulling free from them. I feel strong fingers grip into my hair and it causes me to start to scream the way you pull me back. I am cut off as once again I am slammed into the metal door, my arms fall, a strange sense of dizziness is far more overpowering. My head aches and vision is a bit blurry, my mind screams to keep fighting but with such a hard slam into the door, I can't seem to get my limbs to work.

the savage 03-15-2009 04:52 PM

You slide down the side of the van limp. Good, I can't afford to stay here in public much longer. People will notice, the open passenger door on your car, the missing heel on the ground. Quickly grabbing more ropes, tying your wrists together behind your back, and another around your elbows. A rag from the van, reeking of chemicals and paint, gets crammed into your mouth. The feel of your lips around my fingers is incredibly thrilling. Shaking my head, can't think about that now. I pat you on the ass, and then turn towards the front. Scrambling between the seats, I plop down into the drivers seat. Slowly pulling out, I turn around and look at you squirming on the floor of the van. "Don't worry, I have no plans to hurt you, as long as I get what I want from your daddy."

prisonerslave 03-15-2009 05:03 PM

I can't give up, I keep telling myself to continue to fight, but you already have me, and everything is a bit foggy still. My wrists are bound, you have made sure they are plenty tight and the rope is terribly tight and uncomfortable. A soft whimper from me as you pull my elbows close, my position much more severe, it forces me to arch in a most uncomfortable way. Then the rag into my mouth, its disgusting and dirty, it tastes bitter and sour. I should have screamed more, I scream now, but the sounds are muffled. Instinctively I jump with the feeling of your hand patting me on my bum. I am helpless and I know it. I stare up at you even as I squirm with attempts to pull free. When you look back at me, I am still staring at you, my eyes are welling with tears, knowing I will not be escaping any time soon. You can hear me whimpering in the gag more, pulling and straining against my binds even as they bite into my flesh. I will not just let you take me away.

the savage 03-15-2009 05:14 PM

I can hear your muffled screams and whimpers as I drive away, taking you away from the area. A broad smile spreads over my face that isn't hindered in the least by the uncomfortable mask. My hands drum against the steering wheel, and I hum slightly. This is going to solve all my problems. I intentionally take a circuitous route, with many switchbacks and wrong turns so as to prevent you from being able to tell where you were taken. I keep glancing into the rear view mirror making sure you are still firmly bound. And something strange is happening. Watching you squirm, seeing the gag in your mouth, the ropes cutting into your skin is getting me hard. I shift uncomfortably in the front, and pull into the garage next to the decrepit house I have rented for the month. Turning around and opening the door, I push on your side with my foot, and send you rolling out onto the floor.

prisonerslave 03-15-2009 05:27 PM

It is erie driving away with you, no music or radio, just the sound of the van moving and my own rather desperate cries. I can't help but roll around the back as you turn the vehicle, and I realize it is on purpose, sending more fear through me. You keep looking back at me, and each time I feel more and more vulnerable and exposed. Soon enough I can feel we are slowing and you pull in to what appears to be a normal garage. I tremble as you climb back with me, and unceremoniously you push me out of the van sending me to fall to the cold hard ground. I land on my side with a thud and wince in pain, my shoulders already aching. Slowly I roll onto my back, arched uncomfortably, watching you, trying to speak through the gag. My heart is pounding, my hair is a mess now, my shirt has risen just enough to show my navel. This is a fear I have never known.

the savage 03-15-2009 05:42 PM

I look down at your, your shirt riding up, exposing a tanned flat stomach. Your eyes are looking up at me with fear in them. Your back arched, breasts jutting towards me, and the gag crammed into your mouth. My mouth goes dry, my palms sweaty, my breathing labored. I pause in the doorway, hovering over you, looking down. Well, I might as well do that too, it's not like rape is any worse than a kidnap. But get her into the house first. Jumping down, my boots landing on either side of your head.

I grab the rope between your ankles and drag you along the floor, and into the house. Rough concrete grabs at your shirt as I do, pulling it up further and further. I can see the bottom of your bra now when I glance back.

prisonerslave 03-15-2009 07:57 PM

It's instinct, its not like I really think I am going to get away, but I start to squirm away from you as you stand over me. The way you are looking down at me makes my stomach turn, it is more terrifying than anything else because I have no idea what your intentions are. There is a deep lust in your eyes, one that seems to be growing, and for the first time I wished I wasn't attractive.

I let out a scared yelp as each one of your boots lands near me, I tremble there, completely helpless to you. You take the rough rope from my ankles, using it to pull me and I pull my legs back trying to get you to let go. You can hear me grunting and trying to speak as I continue to struggle, I am strong and I know I am making it difficult, but I don't have enough strength to make you lose control. The ground hurts and it scrapes my arms as you pull me, my face flushing as the shirt rides higher, exposing the lace at the bottom of my black bra. I continue to kick my bare feet, my other shoe abandoned in your van, desperate to at least cause you discomfort as well.

the savage 03-15-2009 08:25 PM

Dragging you into the kitchen, I can stand it no longer. I drop the rope, and your legs drop to the floor with a thump. Turning around I look down at you, "God damn, you really are so much more attractive in person than from afar." My tongue runs over my lips, wetting them as they have become dry from looking at you, putting off what I now know I have wanted. Kneeling down next to you, I reach down. Slowly my fingers run over your stomach, watching the skin pimple under my touch and you squirm. My hand dips lower, and unbuttons your jeans. Slowly I push them down, exposing your panties, your legs, until I reach the rope, and I loosen it. "I just have to have you."

prisonerslave 03-15-2009 08:50 PM

I wasn't expecting you to let go and my legs drop hard on the tile, the heels of my feet hitting hard. Again the knot in my stomach grows, with my feet on the tile I inch back. The rag in my mouth is near soaked with my own saliva and I cant get it out my mouth. Your fingers run across my skin and my breath quickens with a shuddering gasp. I shake my head in denial of what you obviously want. Your fingers wrap around my jeans and i jolt my hips back, trying to beg you to stop. I am soon whimpering as my matching panties are exposed, my thighs pressing tightly together. This can't be happening I think to myself.

the savage 03-15-2009 09:01 PM

I use my knees to push apart your thighs, settling in between them. Pausing for a second I enjoy the warmth from the smooth flesh on either side of me. The rope that is stil hang on your ankle brushes against me, and I kick slightly to move it. Gripping the sides of your head with my hands, I pull your head up slightly kissing your forehead. Grinding my hips against yours, I let you know what I want, what is going to happen to you. Reaching over I pull the gag from your mouth, tossing it to the side. Shaking my fingers slightly to get your spit off of them, I caress your face. "Don't worry, I won't be gentle." Slowly reaching down, grabbing the sides of your lacy black panties and rolling them down.

prisonerslave 03-15-2009 09:16 PM

My eyes glitter with terror and frights, tears welling and threatening to spill over. I shudder in your grasp as you kiss my forehead, a kiss is supposed to be gentle and sweet and yet it only makes things worse. I can feel your excitement pressing against me, my hips desperately trying to pull away. The gag now out of my mouth, a bit of drool in the corner. Instantly I start to beg you to let me, cursing you for taking me, my psyche teetering on insanity. "Let me the fuck go! You bastard!....please...please let me go." Tears begin to fall down my cheeks as you pull down my panties, I wont give in easy. Jerking and moving as much as I can yelling over and over "NO!". My smooth thighs rub against you as they kick. I know you can feel me tremble under your weight, my shoulders ache and my breasts are thrusted into yours. "Don't do this! Please!! I have money! I can get you whatever you want."

the savage 03-15-2009 09:26 PM

I can feel you squirming against me. Your hips twisting in a side to side motion in an attempt to shift me. But with your arms bound behind you, and my full weight pressing down against you, you can't go anywhere. Freed from the gag you finally get to beg. Offering me money. Which when I planned this had been all I wanted. But now I see you have so much more to offer. Rolling your panties down I expose your sex to me. Leaning in I kiss one of the streams of tears on your face. "I know you can get me money, and I am planning on asking for a lot. But you have so much more to offer." My hands slide under your shirt, lifting it up to your chin, and start to squeeze at your tits. There is nothing gentle about my groping. The lace feels good in my hands. "Now shut up, I took your gag off so I could hear your cry, not beg."

prisonerslave 03-15-2009 10:19 PM

I continue to pull at my wrists and elbows, the skin now now rubbed raw, if I could just get one arm pulled free. You continue to kiss my face, and it furthers my fears. You are keeping your word, in no way do I feel you will be gentle. My bribing doesn't seem to be working, it was something you obviously planned on. My face is bright red to be so exposed, and soon your hands greedily grope at my breasts and I squeal in pain. More tears begin to fall and I feel like a toy for you to play with, my nipples stiffen as you continue to grope furthering humiliation. "Stop it!! get off me!" It takes all of me to try to sound forceful and have authority in my voice, but it cracks with each word. I shudder knowing you want me to cry, you want me to feel every bit of hurt and that scares me more than anything.

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