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FuckingRotter 05-31-2018 09:55 PM

Can't speak for the South, police in the United Kingdom are always asking for more money.

Brexit need not be a "dispute" really, it is only the weak UK government, and the entrenched position of European federalists that are making it so. That Varadkar bloke isn't helping though, he's Europes biggest cheerleader, and complete fucking cuck bitch!

tom8517 06-01-2018 07:34 PM

Saw today Arlene Foster will be visiting Scotland this summer to be the featured speaker at an Orange Order parade in Fife. Our girl has said the theme of her speech will be inclusivity.

Arlene Foster giving a speech on inclusivity at a an Orange Order function is a bit akin to the SS hosting a Passover Seder.

FuckingRotter 06-01-2018 10:56 PM

Right, so, Sinn Fein can reform away from terrorism, and you don't bat an eyelid, despite so called "dissident" activity continuing in Northern Ireland. Arlene Foster so much as mentions inclusivity, and you immediately jump to a Nazi comparison.

tom8517 06-02-2018 07:39 AM

In the Orange Orders own words. No person who at any time has been a Roman Catholic ... shall be admitted into the Institution If you are married to a Catholic, or either of your parents were Catholics,you are also barred. Quakers, Mormons, Unitarians, and Orthodox Christians, also banned.

A current member will be expelled if he attends a Catholic ceremony such as a baptism or funeral.

A prominent member was expelled for the crime of walking his gay daughter down the aisle at her wedding. Of course the wedding had to be held outside of the north due to the homophobic laws the Order as well as the DUP support.

If you find the inclusive parts, let me know.

FuckingRotter 06-02-2018 01:12 PM

Indeed. Not that the Catholic Church is exactly the pinnacle of being nice to people, but it certainly can't be accused of not being inclusive. A quick look around the planet, it is easy to see the Pope will take any one, so long as they are poor, stupid, and mired in superstitious nonsense.

Still, I didn't ask you about Orange Order past or present, I asked about reform. Obviously though, you're not interested in reform, only in kicking Protestantism out of Ireland, otherwise you would at least give Foster a chance and hear her out on inclusivity before you started throwing Nazi comparisons around.

By the way, was it Irish nationalists, or Ulster loyalists that collaborated with actual Nazis?

Is it Irish nationalists, or Ulster loyalists that are currently collaborating with a fascistic supra-national, anti-democratic organisation that wants to "unite" Europe under one political, social and military ethic?

And just in case you missed it, can I refer you back to when we were previously discussing issues preventing Stormont from re-assembling? The DUP as a party has stated that it would not use its veto in the event of a majority vote in favour of same sex marriage. Some DUP Mps and assembly members have "come out" in support of same sex marriage legislation.

Reform see?

Do try to keep up, and not let your "our day will come" mentality cloud your judgement!

tom8517 06-02-2018 05:36 PM

Not sure how you arrived at my wishing to kick Protestanism out of Ireland. In the long history of this thread, I've never said anything anti protestant. If you equate protestantism as a whole with the medieval bigoted views of the Orange Order, then that's your issue.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of organized religion, regardless of the particular flavor.

Actually I consider the Roman Catholic church to be second only to the Crown in the evils inflicted on the Irish people. Work houses for unwed mothers that were basically slave labor camps, brutal orphanages, the wide spread sexual abuse of children to name a few. I only find myself in a Catholic church on the occasion of a funeral of a friend or relative.

Irish Republicanism has never been about religion. As I've posted before, the founding father of Republicanism was a protestant.

A few other examples:

John Graham, George Gilmore, and George Plant were amongst a handful of Protestants who joined the minority Republican Congress and the Irish Republican Army in the 1930s and 1940s.[5] Plant was executed in 1942 by the Irish government for the murder of a suspected informer.[10]

Later figures included Ronnie Bunting of the Irish National Liberation Army and John Turnley of the Irish Independence Party, who were assassinated by the Ulster Defence Association. Bunting was the son of Ronald Bunting, a close associate of Ian Paisley.[11] John Turnley, also killed in 1980, was the Protestant Chairman of the Irish Independence Party and an Anti H-Block campaigner. David Russell was a Protestant Provisional IRA volunteer originally from Ramelton in Donegal and a Presbyterian.

tom8517 06-04-2018 02:11 PM

Arlene Foster is now claiming large numbers of Republicans are defecting to the DUP in support of their anti abortion stance. Right after pigs take flight Arlene.

FuckingRotter 06-06-2018 02:36 PM

That would be the interview where Foster told the interviewer that she had been receiving a lot of e-mails from people both north and south of the border, including Sinn Fein voters, telling her that they felt disenfranchised by the abortion referendum result.

So, Sinn Fein become the party of the European political class, the DUP become the party of the religious conservative. Can't fault Sinn Fein for sticking to their principles, but they are running a huge risk electorally. They only need to alienate a small portion of nationalists to send themselves back in to political nowhere.

FuckingRotter 06-08-2018 08:33 PM

Leo Varadkar has been a guest of the Orange Order as part of his tour of Northern Ireland tis week, the first Irish prime minister to do so.

He also visited a memorial to the 336 members of the Loyal Order murdered during the troubles.

During his visit Varadkar pledged to work with all parties involved in an effort to restore power sharing at Stormont, and was a guest of the widow of the late Reverend Ian Paisley, as well as meeting with Sinn Feins leadership in West Belfast.

tom8517 06-09-2018 03:44 PM

My opinion of Leo is improving. Perhaps because of his non traditional background he has an ability to reach out to all sides. There is talk of a Sinn Fein/ Fine Gael coalition for the next government in the south. Unthinkable just a few short years ago.

FuckingRotter 06-09-2018 03:59 PM

My poor opinion of Varadkar has not changed one bit, he is still a Brussels cuck. However if I'd told you a week ago that a gay, Catholic, half Indian Irish prime minister was going to be a guest of the Orange Order, you probably would have scoffed.

tom8517 06-09-2018 05:16 PM

The more things change the more they stay the same. In addition to reaching out to Loyalists, Leo will speak at a festival in west Belfast. Arlene has called this concerning, citing Republican connections. Curious given that Arlene herself has attended the festival in the past

FuckingRotter 06-09-2018 11:13 PM

I doubt any one is going to question Arlene Fosters commitment to preserving the integrity of the United Kingdoms borders.

I don't know about this festival you wrote of, but if there is a republican connection (remember "republican" can take more than one shape in the British Isles), then an openly pro-European Federalist speaking there would be of concern to a British loyalist.

It ought to be of concern to any one that cares about Irish independence and self-governance too, so it is becoming more obvious by the day that Sinn Fein are no longer the radical political party they once were. They have joined the mainstream political class.

If you go back a decade, Ireland voted on whether to sign the Lisbon Treaty, the logical conclusion of that piece of legislation is a European Federation. Tax raising powers, a "European" military, and all the trappings of a nation state.

The United Kingdom was also promised a vote on Lisbon, but Tony Blair at the time reneged, claiming the treaty wasn't what we thought it was. (See the usual electorate is too stupid to understand treatment there?)

Any way, quite sensibly, the Irish voted to reject the Lisbon Treaty. So the Irish government went to Brussels, got them to promise not to interfere with Irish military neutrality, held another vote. Ireland signed up. Problem is, there is no actual written piece of legislation that ensures Brussels will not demand Ireland contributes to a future European Union military project.

So, in effect, Irish military neutrality no longer exists. At any moment we could see Paddy, glass of the pure in one hand, carbine in the other, not marching on Tommy in Belfast, but towards Ivan in Sevastopol. He won't be wearing the traditional green boiler suit and black ski mask of PIRA, he'll be wearing a dull gray uniform with a bright yellow star.

So you see, if you take Leo Varadkar, cheerleader of European federalisation, in the context of the wider British Isles/European Union political situation, any Irish nationalist ought to be very concerned theirself. So far, the European Union has rejected every single proposal for maintaining an open border in Ireland after the UK has left the EU, put forward by the British government. The EU is blatantly more concerned about maintaining its political integrity than it is about maintaining peace, any where, full stop.

Still, if that is what Paddy wants, who are we to disagree?

FuckingRotter 06-15-2018 11:26 PM

That pesky Arlene Foster has been going around being all inclusive again. Last night she attended Eid at a mosque in Belfast. Described by some as the "Muslim Christmas", Eid al-Fitr, or the breaking of the fast, is the festival celebrated at the end of Ramadam, or the holy month of fasting.

When will this terrible woman stop being nice to people? First she goes to Scotland to talk about inclusivity, then her mates invite a gay Catholic brown Irish republican person round for a cup of tea, and now this outrage!

Small wonder Sinn Fein want to blow the fucking place up!

tom8517 06-16-2018 10:12 AM

While I've warmed a bit to Leo, describing him as a republican is a bit of a stretch. Still there is a budding romance between Fine Gael and Sinn Fein. Even talk of FG /SF coalition in the next southern government. Fianna Fail is less than thrilled at being the odd man out.

On the subject of everyone being all lovey dovey, two ex IRA hard cases, Gerry Kelly and Martin Ferris shook hand with Prince Chuckie on his recent trip to Ireland.

tom8517 06-16-2018 05:36 PM

Perhaps Arlene realised all those new Republican voters weren't going to materialize, so she is courting the Muslim vote.

tom8517 06-16-2018 05:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
DUP may have to play form behind winning Muslim votes

FuckingRotter 06-16-2018 08:20 PM


Sinn Fein would do well to remember that Muslims, and other immigrants don’t have the same sectarian loyalties that plague Northern Ireland. They came to Belfast to be in the United Kingdom, some thing that could shift the drmographic more in favour of pro-Union, anti-EU politics.

tom8517 06-17-2018 09:24 AM

Tehran. The Iranians renamed the street the British embassy is on. Who says muslims don't have a sense of humor?

FuckingRotter 06-17-2018 09:33 AM

You should walk in to a mosque and try that sense of humour out some time!

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